Prophilo – The Injectable Glow

According to The Times, Profhilo is THE treatment, but what is it and what is it used for? Profhilo is an injectable skin remodelling treatment containing one of the highest concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) on the market, especially formulated for people whose skin lacks volume and elasticity.

Rather than just plumping and filling wrinkles, the slow release of HA by Profhilo bio-stimulate four types of collagen, elastin, and proliferate adipocytes (fat) stem cells to address these anti-aging issues naturally and effectively. The slow release of HA by Profhilo results in natural bio-remodeling of the skin and improve skin quality, skin tone, hydration and the appearance of fine lines lasting for up to six months.

The Benefits of Profhilo®

Returns volume and firmness, and gives an overall lift
Stimulates elastin to reduce skin laxity and improves your skin structure
Stimulates 4 types of collagen growth through a bio-remodeling process
Hydrates your skin

How Does Profhilo® Work

Profhilo® boasts one of the highest concentrations of HA in the market (64mg / 2ml), which allows it to deeply boost the hydration of the skin and reverse aging and sagging skin, especially in the face, neck and hands with little-to-no downtime.

HA is hydrophilic which means that it draws and retains water in your body, thereby acting as a hydrator rather than a filler that only fills in wrinkles and plumps the skin temporarily.

Within 3-5 days, you can witness the firsthand transformation of tired and dull-looking skin to firm and luminous skin.

Profhilo® Treatment Areas:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Decolletage
  • Hands
  • Arms

Profhilo® VS Fillers VS Skin Booster

Profhilo® is neither a filler nor a skin booster. Lesser sessions are required and it does more than just hydration.

Who Is Suitable For Profhilo Treatments

Profhilo® is suitable for both men and women with mild to moderate signs of aging skin. It is highly recommended for patients aged 30-50 years who are looking for an effective method to hydrate their skin and improve skin laxity, elasticity, and fine lines.

What To Expect From The Treatment

Profhilo® usually works to smooth and hydrate the skin from the very first treatment but results are more prominent after the second treatment as Profhilo® takes time to work. By having 2-3 treatment sessions, it allows the Profhilo® to remain in the skin for a longer time, resulting in a longer-lasting effect. The results will usually last up to six months post-treatment and a repeat cycle is recommended once the initial cycle is over.

If you are considering Profhilo treatment and would like to discuss whether it is right for you, do not hesitate to get in contact.

Soulshan Medical Center

Paphos- Limassol-Nicosia

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