Paphos Running Club: It’s a Crazy World!

We certainly seem to be living in a World of extremes, with daily news of climate change, heatwaves, record temperatures, wildfires, war-mongering and the “Carry on up the Channel” migrant fiasco!

We also have extreme sports, excluding you may reasonably assume, anything which involves simply running around a 400-metre running track? You would however be wrong!

48 and 24 hour Ultramarathons 11/12/13 August

Gloucester (England) saw the 48-hour World Championship and the 24-hour ultramarathon track races. Yes, read that again, there are people who run around a 400-metre running track for 48 or 24 hours and the scariest thing is they live among us!

“Is that not boring?” I asked 77 year old Chris Coleman “Not at all, we change direction every 4 hours” he replied!

Chris’s ultramarathon exploits are already legendary but as the oldest of 33 competitors in the 24-hour race he came a remarkable 9th overall, covering 168.528kms, which was even further than 13 of the 48-hour contestants!

Chris (centre) with his Support Team

Sole Sisters
The hardy Sole Sisters continued running throughout the summer, some taking part in races with Jeanette Bressington-Birch and Rita Leyland both winning trophies, Jeanette for the first time ever!

Our next Couch to 5k programme starts on Monday 25 September, so contact Sue at [email protected] to join, and remember that whatever your age or fitness level, if you fancy running, walking or jogging with like-minded souls, plus a chat over coffee or a cold drink of course, you can join us on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning.

Jeannette and Rita

Looking forward a couple of months to cooler weather, these annual Sole Sisters initiatives are worthy of special mention because being in aid of a very good cause, they are always well attended.

Each year we raise thousands of Euros for the local “Breast of Friends” cancer charity, so please get these dates in your diary and come along:
Charity 5km Run/ Walk 21st October in Paphos (route to be decided)
Charity Coffee Morning 26th October in Coral Bay (Frog and Toad)

Watch this space for full details nearer the time.

Paphos Park Run 6th August
Like last year, this clashed with the very popular Kathikas to Aghios Georgios walk-run, but undaunted, three members successfully competed in both events.

Lee Hinton, James Finucane, Lee Stephens

Don’t miss our next Paphos Park Run 8am
3rd September
Opposite Aquamare Beach Hotel
Poseidonos Avenue
Enter FREE via the Paphos Running Club Website


If you would like to be involved in any of our wide range of activities – Running-Biking-Swimming-Hiking just get in touch. For more information see our Facebook Page or better still, come along 07:30 any Saturday to Coral Bay Bus Terminus for an all-abilities activity, followed by breakfast in the Frog and Toad.
Facebook: Paphos Running Club
President Sue Cordrey +357-9763-8375
Running Captain Allan Devereux +357-9998-3352
Walking Captain Truus Shannon +357-9676-3708

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