Finally, summer appears to have arrived. The cold winds have turned into gentle breezes, the sun is shining and temperatures rising. Let’s hope it continues!
Last month, May, turned out to be a busy time at the Anglican Church of Paphos. In addition to our usual activities and worship services we held our AGM which was well supported. Like many organisations in Cyprus, due to having to form an Association, an EGM followed the AGM to agree our new constitution. Both meetings were managed in record time!
Our Spring Fayre on Saturday 14 May, held at St Stephen’s, Tala, which was reinstated following two years’ of Covid restrictions. proved popular and was well attended by local residents, tourists and church members.

During the early part of this year, small empty water bottles were made available to the members of our three congregations – Ayia Kyriaki (by St Paul’s Pillar), Kato Paphos, St Luke’s, Prodromi and St Stephen’s, Tala – so that spare change/coins could be collected. This raised 2,550 euros and together with money from the church Lent collections, was presented to our ‘Charity of the Year’ the Friends’ Hospice. Chris Jones (hospice President) received a cheque for a total of 3,500 euros from our Parish Priest, Revd. Ken Waters, at the new hospice premises in Tala (see photo). Chris said “I am personally gratified at the thoughts, prayers and financial contributions of the Anglican Church of Paphos, along with those of the many other individuals and organisations who continue to support our work”. (See photo)

Looking ahead, a special service with the theme of ‘I know the plans I have for you’ will be held on Friday 24 June at 2.00pm at St Stephen’s, Tala, to mark the World Day of Prayer. This is an annual occasion held throughout the world. The theme of the service is chosen by a different country each year, this year by the WDoP Prayer Committee from England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Everyone is welcome to attend and refreshments will be available after the service.
Following the lifting or lessening of Covid restrictions, the evening service of Holy Eucharist at Ayia Kyriaki on Sunday evening at 6.00pm has been reinstated to be held on the first Sunday of each month. All church services are listed below:
Ayia Kyriaki
Sunday – Sung Eucharist at 8.15 am
Holy Eucharist at 6.00pm (first Sunday of the month)
Wednesday – Said Eucharist at 9.00 am
St Luke’s, Prodromi
Sundays – 1st and 3rd – Morning Worship at 11.00 am
2nd and 4th – Holy Communion at 11.00 am
St Stephen’s, Tala
Sundays – 1st and 3rd – Holy Communion at 11.00 am
2nd and 4th – Morning Worship at 11.00 am
For further details of church services and our many other activities, please visit our website
For those of you who may be interested in the history of the Anglican Church in Cyprus, the formation of the Diocese and where it ‘fits’ within the larger Province of Cyprus and the Gulf, visit the website You will find some fascinating historical and present-day facts.