It doesn’t seem so long ago that I was wishing you all a Merry Christmas in 2021, where does the time go?
I know that many of us at St Barnabas’ work tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the church and look after members of our congregation who are unable to attend regularly. Although times have been difficult, especially since Covid was amongst us, we still manage to run most of our regular events as well as enjoying fun and fellowship both within the church and also with the wider community. Our Chaplain keeps us all on an even keel and we are thankful for his wisdom and leadership.
It is a blessing to know that our buildings are used by other congregations for worship and social gatherings. Throughout the weekend we welcome Persian, German, Arabic and other nationalities to come along and sing their praises, share their food and enjoy their time together.
We are pleased to extend our congratulations to Caroline Alkiviadou, our Wedding Co-ordinator, she has completed the study requirements for a Bachelor of Theology through the Diocesan Exploring Faith programme. A graduation service was held on Tuesday 15 Nov 4pm at St Barnabas.
It is also a pleasure to welcome Rev’d John Attenborough into our parish as the Chaplain for The Mission to Seafarers based at Limassol port. He was licensed by Archbishop Michael Lewis in St Barnabas’ on Sunday 20th November. We extend a warm welcome to him and his family.
This year our Advent Study is entitled “O Come O Come Emmanuel: To Celebrate Jesus’ Coming With Hope For All” by John Cox
It has been an opportunity for us to pause and reflect amid all the bustle and busyness of the pre-Christmas period, especially with the time leading up to our annual bazaar on 26th November.
It has provided the opportunity for a reality check – the reality of who we are and what our world is, the reality of our hopes as well as our fears. It encouraged us to look afresh at reality of the one who comes and discover how much is he really a part of our lives?
Study takes place in the church hall Wed 1030 -1230 after our 0930 eucharist service, in December the final two meetings will be held on: 7th and 14th December.
Wishing you all a Peaceful Christmas and sending our very best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New year.
Christmas services at St Barnabas Church
Nine Lessons & Carols 18th December. 6.00pm
Midnight Mass 24th December 11.00pm
Christmas Day 25th December 10.00am
Dates to mark in Diary for January/February 2023
Coffee morning/Quiz 6th January (Epiphany) 11.00am
Epiphany service 8th January 2023 10.00am
Council Meeting 11th January
Ash Wednesday 22nd February
Lent 22nd February – 6th April
Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol
Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.30am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Saturday Tabletop Sales – Next sales 3rd December and February 4th
Sunday Eucharist 10.00am – also available via Zoom
Sunday Eucharist at St Lazarus’ in Pissouri
2nd Sunday of each month at 6.00pm in the room under the Amphitheatre.
The next services will be: – December 11th 2022 & January 8th 2023
If you are visiting us for the first time, please make yourself known to our Chaplain or sides persons.
Refreshments will be available in the church hall after the service.
For further information please contact:
Fr. Ian Nicholson 96 612371
[email protected]