The Autumn Regatta organised by the Paphos Sailing Club (PISC), was a resounding success according to Commodore Mick Dent. Despite the failing wind on the second day that made sailing more difficult, the five races were enjoyed by the 40 participants. Twenty six dinghies set out to sea, including PICO’s, Lasers, Kestrels and Wayfarers, some performing better than others in the light winds.
With the Portsmouth Yardstick handicap system the sailing characteristics of these different types are taken into account, so various dinghies can race each other.
There were three races on the first day when there was a swell of over a metre and wind a speed of 5 knots.
On the second day two races were organised with the light wind testing the skill of the helms.
The overall winners with the Peter Dicker trophy for best PISC sailors in the Autumn Regatta, were Terry and Sue Crumpton in their Wayfarer ‘A Kommidy of Errors’.
Class Winners were:
PICO – Timofey Shalyapina (PISC)
Laser – Mike Vassiliou (Visitor)
Wayfarer – Terry & Sue Crumpton(PISC)
Kestrel – Robin Marsh & Barbara Jones (PISC)
General – Graham Flint & Gergie Balandyuk (PISC)

Full details of the Regatta programme and results can be found online on the PISC website.
In his speech after the prize giving, Commodore Dent paid tribute to Koula Drousiotis who has allowed PISC members to park their dinghies on her property for many years. Her cafe at Agios Georgious Harbour has been the hub of sailing activities every Thursday and Saturday when the members sail their dinghies.
Paphos International Sailing Club, which is a very friendly and active club, always welcomes new members.