Bearing in mind the situation of stray cats in Cyprus, one that keeps us all (or so it should) worried and, those who really do care, working very hard to manage the situation as best possible, here at Animal Rescue Cyprus we find ourselves needing to remind everyone owning a cat or thinking to adopt a cat, of how to look after one. Ten basic health care tips meant to make your cat’s life comfortable and yours much easier.
Choose a cat-friendly vet (1) – it is so important to find a vet you come to trust and stay with for as long a time as possible. By being followed by the same vet, your cat will have a very good follow-up and he/she will know your cat’s history. As for you, you must be able to talk openly to the vet and ask for advice. In short, find a vet who will become a very good friend. By scheduling regular veterinary visits (2) you will be able to follow your cat’s health state, make sure the cat is kept up to date with all vaccines and parasite treatment, prevent any problems and intervene if necessary.
Groom your cat regularly (3) – your cat will love you! This is a very good moment to bond with your cat, but also to keep a closer eye on him/her, and you can spot any issues your cat might present that would otherwise not be visible from some distance. Cats must always be able to clean themselves (and when they stop doing it there is something serious going on) and will spend hours doing it, but a good brush they will love too!
Maintain a healthy diet and weight (4) – by doing this, in accordance with the vet’s advice and input, you will keep your cat healthy and strong for longer. It’s not a myth, very good quality food leads to a better and longer life! Going hand in hand with the food is the need for your cat to have easy, unobstructed access to a litter tray (5) to do her business in peace. Make sure you clean and renew the litter every so often (6) and so you will be on to a winner! Indoor cats are known to stop using the litter tray and find other places once they do not find the condition of the litter “acceptable” to their high cleanliness standards.
Access to fresh water at all times is vital (7) – the same way you wouldn’t like to drink stale water, think that your cat will not enjoy it neither. Other than quenching thirst, being able to cool him-/herself down with some fresh water is second to none even for our cats! Talking of access, it is also imperative for your cat to be able to get rid of excess energy by using a scratch post (8). These come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and, bearing in mind that what you have as a pet is a descendant of a wild predator cat, it is imperative you give your cat the possibility to scratch something other than your furniture (that might happen too, but with good habits instilled from a young age it will not happen anymore).

Taking your cat to the vet or on holiday is a thing, and always remembering cats are highly energetic creatures with very fast and swift reactions, you will need a good cat carrier (9). NEVER leave the house with your cat in your arms but always in a container which is safe and secure.
Last but by no means least, spay or neuter your cat (10)! This will help her/him live a longer and healthier life, reducing the risk of cancers of the reproductive systems by a very high percentage (depending on the type of the intervention, even eliminating it) and it peace from all the exterior hormonal influences of other cats.
May your cat have a long life in health, and may you enjoy his/her company for as long as possible!
For information about the activity, programs and ways of helping Animal Rescue Cyprus, please call 26496461 any day of the week between 7am and 7pm and/or check our FB page at www.facebook.com/paphiakos. If you wish to rehome one of our dogs, please refer to our dedicated rehoming page, www.facebook.com/paphiakosrehoming