This month heralds the start of Summer with warmer temperatures, clear blue skies and plenty of opportunities for going out to our favourite entertainment and recreation venues.
In common with many other organisations on the island, we will be celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III with a Celebration Tea Party on Monday 8 May.
One of our most popular annual events is the Ascension Day Holy Communion Service held on Thursday 18 May in Pykni Forest, Peyia. Starting at 11.00am in the BBQ area, the service is followed by a ‘bring your own’ lunch. Everyone is welcome and a location map can be found on our website. Please bring your own chair!
On Saturday 27 May, we are holding a spectacular fundraising variety show in aid of local organisations and charities. ‘For One Night Only’ is being staged at the Stage One Theatre, Emba starting at 7.30pm. Headliners are vocal guitarist Chris Andre and UK singer Caz Hill and features musicians, singers, dancers, drama and opportunities for audience participation. Tickets priced 15 euros, are available from ACP Church Secretary mob: 99 103976 or by visiting the Theatre Box Office, open Monday and Friday 10am to 12 noon.
Sunday 28 May is our celebration of the holy day of Pentecost. The name derives from the Greek word pentekoste which means fiftieth. The day is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter which is also fifty days after Easter, hence the name. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks.
Cyprus celebrates Eastern Orthodox Christianity where Pentecost can refer to the entire fifty days of Easter through Pentecost. Monday 5 June is its’ public holiday. Pentecost is also called “White Sunday” or “Whitsunday.” In the United Kingdom, traditionally, the next day, Whit Monday, is also a public holiday.
Regular Church Service Times
Ayia Kyriaki
Sunday – Sung Eucharist at 8.15 am
Holy Eucharist at 6.00 pm (1st Sunday of the month)
Wednesday – Said Eucharist at 9.00 am
St Luke’s, Prodromi
Sundays – 1st and 3rd – Morning Worship at 11.00 am
2nd and 4th – Holy Communion at 11.00 am
St Stephen’s, Tala
Sundays – 1st and 3rd – Holy Communion at 11.00 am
2nd and 4th – Morning Worship at 11.00 am
For more information about church services, locations and our other activities please visit: www.paphosanglcanchurch.org