Murder Investigation At The Paphos Sailing Club

Now we have caught your attention, we would like to reassure you that no one is dead.
At the beginning of the month a Murder Mystery Evening was arranged and hosted by Lara Mitchell, our Social Secretary, and what a great evening it proved to be. Members in the packed clubhouse were challenged to identify the ‘murderer’ of a young girl found dead at the bottom of the cliffs. Kay Melville, Holly Cosham, Sue Marshall, Doreen Ruck, Alan Ruck, William Clocksin, Martin Adams and Mick Dent acted the parts of the suspects. It was gripping stuff as all was revealed at the end. The evening was part of the Club’s extremely active social programme.
Other social events included a Fish Supper, a Chicken Chorizo Night, A Greek Toga Night, a Bingo and Chilli Night and of course the Fitting Out Supper at the clubhouse on 23rd March. Members meet socially every Tuesday evening and Friday lunchtime at the clubhouse when food is served. Also, snacks are prepared in the Club’s RIB hut on sailing days at Agios Georgios every Thursday and Saturday.
And now to the sailing.
Despite the three Coptic (Phoenician) Gales in March, namely El Hossum on the 10th: El Kabira on the 20th and the Hawa on the 25th, we enjoyed great sailing.
The sailing competitions at Agios Georgios were conducted regularly. The results so far are:
The Monthly Racing Series
Won by Tony Edwards in ‘Fox’.
The current position in the Winter Series:
- 1st Place Jim McLellan & Annette Garcia in ‘Blondie’.
- 2nd Place Zbig Wender in ‘Lavender’
- 3rd Place Vadim Zavershinskiy in ‘Veterok’
Rear Commodore Sailing, John Huggett, has expressed his gratitude to all those members who worked so hard on the boats and buildings as part of the Work Party programme. Such commitment is appreciated in our self-help Club.
On Sunday 28th April we will be holding the PISC Open Day at Agios Georgios. The management team and members will be on hand to talk to anyone who is interested in finding out more about our fantastic club. We will even arrange for visitors to experience a trial sail with one of our experienced sailors. The Summer Regatta well be held on 8th & 9th June.
All members have the opportunity to express their feelings and make recommendations to the Commodore Mick Dent at his regular Commodore’s Conference meetings. New ideas are always considered by the committee at PISC.
The PISC Annual General Meeting will be held at 10am on May 17th at the Clubhouse.
PISC has a regular newsletter entitled SCUTTLEBUTT which informs members of events, training programmes, the social calendar, race results and boats for sale. This is prepared weekly by editing chip Roger Crackett with contributions from board members and any other member who has something interesting to say. The Club’s website [email protected] is managed by Lindy Andersen and Roger Crackett. We also have a Facebook page that anyone is welcome to join. .
You don’t have to sail to become a member of our club, but come down and watch the sailors having fun on Thursdays and Saturdays or enjoy a warm welcome at our Clubhouse on
Tuesday evenings and Friday lunchtimes.
2024 is the 25th Anniversary of the founding of Paphos International Sailing Club.
This special occasion will be celebrated with a Silver Anniversary Ball later in the year.
We always look forward to welcoming new members. Check us out on: [email protected]