Following the news last month that we have a new Chaplain for Limassol Parish, it is with enormous pleasure we can announce this month that we also have a new Bishop for our Diocese.

Archbishop Hosam Naoum, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, and the Synod of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf are pleased to announce the election of the Revd Sean Semple to be the sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf.
Sean is married to Jenny and they have five children and one grandchild.
A date for the service of consecration, and installation in the two cathedrals of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, St Christopher’s Bahrain and St Paul’s Nicosia, will be announced shortly.
Our new Chaplain, Rev Deborah Moorgas, will arrive in Limassol at the beginning of April and preside over her first service at St Barnabas’ on Sunday 7th April. We all look forward to her arrival and hope to have a packed church to welcome her to Limassol Parish.
Lent Course _ “This Lent, we are offering a Mini Lent Course in two parts: it will be held on Wednesday 13 March and Wednesday 27 March, in the Hall at St Barnabas’ Church. The course title is “Looking through the Cross”, to run from 10.30 – 12 noon, followed by a simple soup and bread lunch. Everyone is very welcome. Please could anyone interested in attending either or both sessions let me know please, to help with catering, via e-mail: [email protected], or text message on 95 525668. We will be looking at what difference Jesus’ death and resurrection might mean for us in our everyday lives; we’ll be reading and reflecting on a few Bible passages to see what we can find out as we await Easter.”
Dates for your diary:
We shall be celebrating Mothering Sunday in church on 10th March
Palm Sunday 24th March
Maundy Thursday 28th March
Good Friday 29th March
Easter Sunday 31st March
Annual Meeting 14th April
TABLETOP SALES at St Barnabas Church. The next sales are on 2nd March and 6th April. Cost is €12.50 for a pitch the length of one long table. A limited number of tables are available for hire at an additional cost of €5 per table. These must be pre-booked… This is always an enjoyable day out for the family, you will find free car parking in various locations around the church grounds. Hot & cold refreshments available on site. Contact Nora 99356451 or email [email protected] if you would like to reserve a pitch.
Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol
Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.30am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Sunday Eucharist 10.00am – also available via Zoom
Sunday Eucharist at St Lazarus’ in Pissouri
2nd Sunday of each month at 6.00pm
The next services will be: – March 10th and April 14th
Rev John Attenborough MTS – 99 539144
Regional Director, Middle East, and South Asia & Chaplain to the Cyprus Ports