News from St Barnabas’ Anglican Church, Limassol and St Lazarus’ Church, Pissouri

The Parish of Limassol is part of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf.

Established in 1976, the Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf is one of the four dioceses that make up the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. In 1984 the diocese established companion links with the Diocese of Exeter in England and in 2005 with the Diocese of Thika in Kenya. In addition to its many parishes, the diocese is also host to a substantial and growing Mission to Seafarers presence as well as a thriving Retreats Ministry.

There is a rich history in Cyprus, with diverse and faithful congregations having 11 different parish churches around the island, the beautiful historic St. Paul’s Cathedral, located in the vibrant capital of Nicosia is the hub of Anglican life in Cyprus.

The Gulf covers eight countries across the Middle East, with 14 church compounds. St Christopher’s Cathedral in Bahrain provides a historic focal point for Anglican worship in the region. Inclusive and diverse, the international congregations are actively involved in community, cooperation, and growing together in faith.

The Most Reverand Michael Lewis is Bishop of the Diocese and on Sunday 17th November 2019, now Archbishop Michael, took up the duties of President Bishop and Primate of the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

Please visit the diocesan website to find out more about our churches and chaplaincies

This month we welcome Rev John Attenborough to Limassol Parish where he will take up duties at the port as chaplain for the Mission to Seafarers. Soon we shall start thinking about collecting items to go in Christmas boxes, which will be collected and distributed by the MtS, and handed out to the crews who will not be at home with their families for months. When shopping please put an extra item in your trolley – toiletries, stationery, a small torch, warm socks or gloves, we can sort them and pack them ready for collection and help bring a little joy to those at sea.

We continue to collect “Cans for Kids”in the wire cage by the front gate, the proceeds from the money generated from these cans goes to good charitable causes which we are keen to support.

Items of dried and tinned food continue to come in so that we can help the needy in our community, monetary donations are also welcome for the purchase of items when required.
On Tuesday mornings we haave our prayer group in church, often there is home made cake afterwards to enjoy with friends. Wednesday mornings we have our midweek communion service starting at 9.30am, the service lasts approximately 30 minutes and we are always happy to welcome new friends to join us. Please join us in prayer for those amongst us who are ill or grieving at this time, we remember all those close to us during our services but private prayer is also very effective.

Come along and join us for our Harvest Festival serice at 10.00am on Sunday 2nd October as we mark the end of the Creation Season (1st Sept – 4th October). Further details can be found in our weekly news sheet.

Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol

Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.30am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Saturday Tabletop Sales – Next sales Oct 8th and Nov 5th
Sunday Eucharist 10am also available via Zoom

Sunday Eucharist at St Lazarus’ in Pissouri

2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 6.00pm in the room under the Amphitheatre. The next services will be: – Sept 11th and 25th.

If you are visiting us for the first time, please make yourself known to our Chaplain or sides persons. Refreshments will be available in the church hall after the service.

For further information please contact:
Fr. Ian Nicholson 96 612371
[email protected]

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