It was happening on June 15th, so only last month, when five 3-4 week old puppies were brought as rescues in a cardboard box. Nothing out of the ordinary for us, but being full of fleas and ticks, the job was made difficult than normal by having to give them the special bath in order to rid them of the horrible parasites. They had been taken away from their mother way too soon, they were scared, hungry and shivery. Yet another nightmare on our hands, the number of which we longtime ago lost track of…
The following night, a young pitbull mamma was left as a rescue outside the shelter gates… Again, not something we haven’t heard or seen before, but it still doesn’t make it any easier… She was young and the night security staff could see she was, in her turn, taken away from her puppies way too soon, as she was showing all the signs this had happened.
Meanwhile, the 5 puppies had been taken to the shelter and kept separate from all the other animals. The shelter manager then had an idea. What if the pitbull mamma would accept the puppies as her own? After all, they all had a very similar story and they all needed someone to call their own. And so, she was taken to see the puppies, but sadly she didn’t even want to know them, she turned away from them as soon as she got near them. Not giving up, the shelter manager took her for a break and thought to try again. This time, when she saw the puppies, she seemed a bit more interested and sniffed them, circled them a few times. But then she turned away again… Seeing this, the shelter manager took her for another walk and thought to give her and them one more chance. When she took the mamma close to the puppies again, she sniffed them one more time and then just laid by the side of them and started to move each pup towards her! RESULT! Young pitbull mamma adopts 5 terrier puppies on 3rd attempt!

Since then, the 6 are totally inseparable and she has turned out to be the best mother. A baby is a baby after all, even if adoptive, and this beautiful girl is now showing them what love is! The puppies have grown already in just 2 weeks since they have been together and although they are still having milk from their adoptive mother, they are now also enjoying some of the specialized dry and wet food mamma is having. She is so good with them, teaching them how to play, how to fall, how to get back up again, how to be told off with love and compassion, what they must do to become real good dogs. It’s just a joy to see this family made out of abandonment and sorrow and the smile on Mamma Raye’s face really says it all…
For information regarding the work of Animal Rescue Cyprus please telephone 26946461 or email [email protected]. In case of emergency, the number to call is 99655581.