This is going to be a busy month for all of us involved in the Anglican Church here in Limassol, plenty of things to do and events to join in, why not come along and see what we are doing and meet new friends.

On 2nd April we have a Table Top sale in the church grounds, always a busy day and an opportunity to sell unwanted items or find something special.
The following day after our usual Sunday morning service we will be holding our Annual Meeting. We shall be installing a new People’s Warden and electing three new members to serve on the Church Council. We shall also hear reports from the Chaplain and approve the budget for 2022.
Saturday 9th April we are asking for volunteers to come and help us give the church, hall and grounds a spring clean. Although this is a working day we do have a lot of fun and afterwards enjoy a barbecue and refreshments to reward us for our efforts.
Sunday 10th April is Palm Sunday and everyone at church that morning will receive a palm cross lovingly made by our craft ladies and blessed by our Chaplain.
On the evening of 11th, at 6.00pm we shall be having a Maundy Thursday service and the next morning at 10.00am it will be the Good Friday service, always very emotional in a church stripped of all ornaments and crosses.
The Stations of the Cross will be laid out on Saturday from 10.00am in the Chaplaincy Garden, all are welcome to join us for this journey of prayer and meditation.
CHRIST IS RISEN! This will be the greeting on Sunday morning as we see other at church and celebrate the resurrection of Christ. This is a day of joy and the church will be filled with colour and flowers, do come and join us for this wonderful celebration. Hopefully the ladies will be wearing hats and the gentlemen will wear a colourful tie HE IS RISEN INDEED. ALLELUIA!
Perhaps you may prefer to celebrate Easter in Pissouri where Father Ian will lead the congregation of St Lazarus and friends in their own celebrations at 12.45 down on the beach.
On Friday 6th May from 10.00am-1.00pm, The Coeur de Lion Lions Club of Limassol, will be carrying out Diabetic Testing in the Church Hall. Members of St Barnabas Church will be on hand to provide refreshments afterwards.
On Saturday 7th May we will be having a Tabletop Sale in the church grounds; these monthly events are proving very popular so please contact Nora Ananiades early if you wish to book a pitch.
We continue to collect “Cans for Kids” in our wire cage by the front gate and each week we are thankful to accept donations of dried and tinned foods, clothes and bedding to help the needy in our community. Monetary donations can also be handed to the Chaplain for the purchase of items when required.
A Jubilee Tea Party was held in the hall Tuesday 22nd February organised by Christin Givhan and Linda Rich, it was a most enjoyable occasion with special home made treats, plenty of cups of tea and a fun quiz based on the royal family.
On Wednesday morning we have our midweek communion service starting at 9.30am, this is particularly beneficial to those who still wish to be in smaller groups rather than in large gatherings as is sometimes the case at our Sunday service.
At the end of February we provided a hot meal for 28 members of our congregation who are far from home and struggling to find work and, in some cases, accommodation. It was a lovely occasion, Carol Nicholson cooked all the food which was then distributed by Father Ian and Christine Taylor. It was a special time of friendship and fellowship bringing us all together and giving our friends a sense of being a part of the St Barnabas family.
The Lenten study group has been well attended and is based on the film Chocolat, we all enjoy soup and bread at the end of each session – saving our chocolates until Easter!! The course runs each Wednesday from 10.00 – 12 noon until 13th April in the church hall led by Father Ian.
On 27th March, Mothering Sunday, we were blessed by a visit from The Very Reverend Bill Schwartz OBE, who is our Archdeacon in the Gulf. He is a long time friend of St Barnabas’ and we were delighted that he was able to preach on this occasion and join us for lunch afterwards.
Our church is always open if you want to come along for a time of quiet reflection or, if you would like someone to talk to, get in touch and we can arrange that for you. Our pastoral care team do try and visit those who are at home but if you know of anyone who needs a visit or a phone call, please let us know.
Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol
Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.30am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Chinese Bible Study, Monday 10.00-12.30
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Saturday Tabletop Sales Next sales March 5th,
April 2nd
Sunday Eucharist 10.00am – also available via
Sunday Eucharist at St Lazarus’ in Pissouri
2nd Sunday of each month at 6.00pm in the room under the Amphitheatre.
The next services will be: -March13th and April 10th
If you are visiting us for the first time, please make yourself known to our Chaplain or sides persons. Refreshments will be available in the church hall after the service.
For further information please contact:
Fr. Ian Nicholson 96 612371
[email protected]