The saying, “When it rains, it pours,” aptly describes our first storm of the season which struck Paphos at the end of November.

Everyone in Cyprus knows how desperately we need rain, but I suspect most would prefer we didn’t get so much so suddenly.
For many the torrential downpour was an answer to prayer. For others, whose homes and businesses were flooded, it was more like a nightmare.
Part of the reason I remember it so well is because I was at an outdoor wedding, up in the village of Mesogi, when the tempest swept in unexpectedly.
Thankfully, we had concluded with the vows and other formalities. The bride and groom had gone to do photos while the wedding party began celebrating in a beautifully decorated outdoor venue over-looking Paphos. The families had spent months planning and preparing. Many sacrifices had been made in order to make it as memorable an occasion as possible. People had flown in from all over the world to honor the special couple.
It was just getting dark outside when the joyful buzz of celebration was suddenly interrupted by a strong blast of wind. The temperature dropped noticeably, and the distinct smell of rain filled the air. The organizers hardly had a chance to consider what ‘plan B’ might look like when the storm descended on the party like a crashing wave.
The wind and rain came down mercilessly, intent on blowing away everything not tied down. Instinctively, the guests and workers grabbed whatever was in front of them and ran for cover inside. Within moments, the entire wedding party was thrown into complete chaos.
By the time everything was moved indoors, the full force of the storm was coming down and at least half of the wedding party was drenched, along with the bride and groom.
The carefully planned party appeared more like the aftermath of an explosion than a joyous wedding celebration.
But a beautiful thing happened after that.
Following the initial pandemonium everyone rallied around the newlyweds and made the best of a difficult and unexpected situation. The clutter and confusion quickly gave way to a renewed determination to celebrate.
While the wedding party was nothing like the family had originally planned, in the end it was as memorable and joy-filled a celebration as anyone could have asked for.
There was something truly special about the spontaneity and rawness that emerged from the rubble of ‘plan A’.
It was obvious that despite everyone’s intentions and best efforts, the final results of the wedding were completely beyond their control. But it was equally obvious that the wedding completely surpassed everyone’s expectations.
Love and laughter soon drowned out the storm outside and the amazing memories made that night exceeded any they could’ve planned for.
As we move into the Christmas holiday this month, I hope this story will give you pause for thought.
If ever there was a moment in history, like the wedding I’ve just described, when man’s plans gave way to a much greater plan, it was when God sent His Son Jesus into the world to save us from our sins.
God’s plan to send a Savior, His Son, emerged out of the ruin of man’s plans to live for himself.
Human history is a dismal record of how that ‘party’ has gone. For all our ambitions and accomplishments, man has left a staggering path of destruction in his wake. The cost of living independently of God hasn’t led to the freedom anticipated, but rather to bondage, fear and heartbreak. Just take an honest look around at the world we live in.
But in God’s mercy and grace He sent Jesus to bring salvation, hope, and eternal life to those who will trust in Him.
Jesus’ birth was just the beginning of an extraordinary life which radically changed history and the world. The Bible states that this ‘child in the manger’ grew to be a man. As the Son of God his life was a living demonstration of God’s heart; full of compassion, love, truth and grace. In the ultimate expression of God’s desire to redeem us to Himself, Jesus laid down his sinless life on a cross as a sacrifice for our sin, in order that we might be reconciled to our Creator.
In the Gospel of Luke, it says “For there is born to you this day…a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”
Jesus’ coming was God’s way of stepping into our storm tossed world, bringing light into the darkness, and rebuilding what we could never fix on our own. Christ’s birth offers hope and redemption, not just for a fleeting moment, but for eternity.
That’s the Christmas story.
Just as the storm that night revealed how little control we have in life, it also revealed the beauty that can transcend chaos, when we choose grace, unity, and love; when we choose Jesus.
Like the wedding party, God wants us to know that life often is found, not in our carefully crafted ‘plan A’, but in the place we run to when the storms of life through everything into confusion.
So, as we celebrate Christmas this year, let us remember that it is a celebration of God’s ultimate “Plan A”, one that far surpasses anything we could imagine.
Just as the joy and laughter of that wedding filled the hearts of all who were present, so too does the gift of salvation in Christ fill our lives with hope, peace, and the promise of eternal life.
No matter how chaotic or unplanned your circumstances may feel, the message of Christmas is that God can bring beauty, redemption, and joy out of every storm. All we need to do is trust Him and celebrate the Savior who was born to bring us back to Him.
“Father, I beleive that you sent your Son Jesus to save me, to save us, from our sins and from the raging storms of this life. I believe He paid the ultimate price to give me the gift of new life. Raise me up and make me new. As we celebrate Christmas this year, may I discover for myself the overwhelming mercy and grace You’ve shown in Jesus. Fill my life with Your presence. Change me and transform me from the inside out, through your Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name”
By Pastor Tim Mattox
Paphos Calvary Chapel