WHAT CORRUPTION? – My Thoughts of the Day

Today I feel good… so good in fact that I have come to the conclusion there is a sliver of hope that one day this place may rise above the ashes of despair, corruption and nepotism; it would take a miracle but not impossible!
At the same time I feel disgusted that Rule of Man is growing fangs and wants to lash against those that threaten its dominion over a system that demands blind obedience without transparency – to question government policies has now become officially taboo!
I am talking about the decision of President Anastasiades to censure the Auditor-General Odysseas Michaelides publicly. The charges? For doing his job properly! The President had the nerve to asked him to “slow down” on exposing institutional corruption because that’s not his mandate to “interfere in political policy issues which are not his jurisdiction.” Can one believe such mentality?
So, the President in fact has officially tried to censure the Auditor-General for investigating institutions, government ministers and their departments but has also demanded that the AG should not make his findings public – the less the people knows about their dirty political laundry, so much the better!
This kind of meddling on the decision-making process of an independent authority of the Republic of Cyprus it’s not the behaviour of a serious President but the behaviour of a career politician that wants to protect a cozy political system. Instead of allowing transparency to shine brighter than a star, his conduct encourages political cover-ups; one has to wonder what he plans next!
Why do I feel good? Simple! Because a Cyprus Revolution of the Mind it’s growing in numbers and that’s because of people like Phedon Fedonas the Mayor of Paphos, the Auditor-General Odysseas Michailides, the Attorney-General Costas Clerides and now Giorgos Stylianou, the Kissonerga council community leader who dare to expose embezzlement worth millions.
Unlike their predecessors, the new Mavericks of Justice and their busy departments filled with loyal officers (not answerable to the President, Kommata or the government) have displayed they are not prepared to tolerate corruption and stealing from the public purse. They would stop at nothing to clean out the stench of stables in Cyprus. That’s a good day for Justice and Rule of Law in Cyprus and it feels great!
Andreas C Chrysafis
September 6, 2016