Updated Country Categories – In effect from 9th November

The Ministry of Health today released their updated list of country categories. The new list comes into effect on Monday 9th November.

No European countries remain in category A, which consists of low-risk countries. The UK and Greece both remain in Category B.

Category A – Low-risk countries at current stage

• Third Countries:  1) Australia, 2) Japan, 3) New Zealand, 4) South Korea, 5) Singapore, 6) Thailand

Included in this category are countries with an effective reproduction (Rt) number lower than 1 or/and small number of new diagnoses (<1/100,000 inhabitants per day) or/and small or very small COVID-19 mortality (<5-10/100,000 inhabitants) or/and classification of sporadic cases or clusters of cases according to the WHO or/and at least satisfactory laboratory testing (>3000 tests/100,000 inhabitants).

It should be noted that passengers coming from Category A countries are not required to present a laboratory COVID-19 test certificate or go into self-isolation.

Category B – Countries with possibly low risk but greater uncertainty compared to Category A

• European Union Member States: 1) Germany, 2) Denmark, 3) Greece, 4) Estonia, 5) Latvia, 6) Lithuania, 7) Sweden, 8) Finland

• United Kingdom

• Schengen Area Members: 1) Norway

• Small States:  1) Vatican City, 2) San Marino

• Third Countries: 1) Uruguay, 2) China (including Hong Kong), 3) Rwanda, 4) Serbia

Included in this category are countries with an effective reproduction (Rt) number greater than 1 or/and number of new diagnoses <1/100,000 inhabitants per day or/and increased COVID-19 mortality (>10/100,000 inhabitants) or/and limited laboratory testing (<2000 tests/100,000 inhabitants) or lack of WHO classification.

It should be noted that passengers coming from Category B countries are required to undergo a laboratory test within 72 hours prior to departure and to possess a Certificate showing negative PCR examination for the virus.

It is also clarified that passengers from Category B countries, falling into the following categories, may undergo the molecular examination upon arrival in the Republic:

a) Cypriot citizens and their family members (their alien spouses, underage children and parents), 

b) all those legally residing in the Republic,

c) persons entitled to under the Vienna Convention,

d) persons, irrespective of nationality, whose countries of residence do not provide a laboratory testing service (public or private) to those wishing to travel to the Republic of Cyprus according to a relevant announcement.

It should be noted that the examination cost will be borne by those persons themselves and in addition, such persons should remain in self-isolation at home until the examination result is issued.

Category C – High-risk countries compared to categories A and B

• European Union Member States: 1) Austria, 2) Belgium, 3) Bulgaria, 4) France, 5) Ireland, 6) Croatia, 7) Luxemburg, 8) Romania, 9) Spain, 10) Italy, 11) Malta, 12) Netherlands, 13) Hungary, 14) Poland, 15) Portugal, 16) Slovakia, 17) Slovenia, 18) Czech Republic

• Small States:  1) Andorra, 2) Monaco

• Schengen Area Members: 1) Switzerland, 2) Iceland, 3) Liechtenstein

• Third Countries: 1) Algeria, 2) Morocco, 3) Montenegro

All countries not included in categories A or B are placed in this category. Some of the countries which are of high risk according to their epidemiological picture, are mentioned above.

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