Most people have heard of the Royal British Legion, even if they do not know much about it. Less know that there are branches in Cyprus, with an active branch in Paphos, and even fewer understand what we do with the money we raise.
To bring more awareness of the Paphos Branch welfare activities, we wanted to publish the stories of some people we have helped. As you can imagine, this is not always possible due to confidentiality issues. Therefore, sometimes there will be a name attributed, and in other cases, not.
If there are any forces veterans in Cyprus that need some assistance, even if it’s just someone to talk to, then please get in contact. We have an active welfare team, and absolutely everything is treated in the strictest confidence.
Our first story is from a veteran, who needed some help with his hearing aids, but I’ll let him explain in his own words.
This text was written by the beneficiary of Royal British Legion, Paphos Branch;
I have had hearing problems for many years. I had a hearing aid from the hospital in the UK, which ceased functioning when we moved to Cyprus. Being on a pension only, new aids were well outside our funds, so I felt excluded from meetings with friends and church for years.
Then along came my good friend Allan Hodgson RE. He asked if he could approach The Royal British Legion on my behalf to see if they would fund me. As the cost was over 2,700 euro and way outside our funds, I was doubtful. However, after a meeting with Allan & their welfare officer, it was only a matter of weeks before I was presented with a cheque for the full amount.
So today, I went for a fitting, and to say I was amazed is an understatement. I truly feel that I have rejoined the world. I cannot express my feelings and thoughts of thankfulness to Allan & The RBL enough. While writing this, I am in a tearful mode. I know it will change my life for the better.
God Bless all who have been involved in this venture.
Royal British Legion, Paphos Branch, welfare contact details;
Email on – [email protected]
Call on – +357 99014479