Who would have thought when I came here 13 years ago and at the interesting age of ? that I would be manager of a hospice shop and chairman of the Friends’ Hospice and a bit more! Do I regret it – never ever!!
I have found I have much more patience than I ever thought and hope my volunteers agree, lol. I am so very fortunate and privileged to have wonderful volunteers to keep the shop open who give up their time with that very important smile. Each day is so very different – I can get calls with ‘help ceiling is coming down’ ….. ‘no staff to operate the till’… I never know what will happen and although I am the manager I secretly think every day has its own manager. I have two wonderful men who work Mondays and Fridays and without them life would be difficult.

We have other shops in Chlorakas, Geroskipou, Kato Paphos and Pissouri ad did I mention that I look after those shops as well but all have wonderful shop managers which makes my job easier.
We are the main fund raisers for the Friends’ Hospice and fund raising is not easy. I am again fortunate to have amazing friends who come to the rescue when I have ideas for raising money. I have dressed as a very mature fairy singing and an equally mature Hilda Baker and many a pantomime character – within reason (take note) to raise money anything will be considered!!
I think unless you have had the misfortune to have been involved with any hospice you might not know what is indeed and I have been surprised at some of the comments I have received.
The Friends’ Hospice is based in the Blue Cross St. George’s hospital and we are fortunate to have various treatments and doctors always on hand. Dr Aristos is our Clinical Director and there are 6 individually decorated rooms all with windows and based on separate unit. 1500 patients have been treated and 70% go home treated and importantly symptoms controlled, i.e. pain. Respite and terminal care are a very small part…..pain control being very important as you can imagine.
We work closely with the Cyprus Ministry of Health who for the past four years have given us a grant (they see our audited accounts). We work closely with the anti cancer society and some private organisations and state hospitals. We are twinned with St Margarets hospice in the UK and our nurses regularly exchange. Dr Aristos and Chris Jones (President) have recently been giving talks in local schools to educate and inform the younger generation about the Hospice.
It may be a strange thing to understand when I say it’s an amazing place (yes I know I’m biased) and maybe until now you were unaware this is where the hospice was….. let me know if you would like to visit and maybe to see were your donations have gone to… It all takes money and what organisation doesn’t nowadays, it’s an endless job as we all know.
I, along with all the wonderful people who regularly come to my need….supply raffle prizes (so very important) and give up their time….. thank you and please continue – we need you.