November saw two very important services in the church calendar. The first being All Saints with All Souls which was celebrated at our three churches during their Sunday morning services where we come together to remember our past loved ones. It’s a lovely, gentle service where we can thank God for the times that were shared, maybe even complain to Him that it wasn’t long enough, but also we can share our grief and memories with people in a similar situation. Our services this year were well attended by both members of our regular congregations, ‘swallows’ and tourists alike. At the evening service at Ayia Kyriaki a special service was held where, as a new innovation, a Solemn Mass for All Souls was celebrated around Faure Requiem. This was sung by the Orphean Singers and guest soloists. Over 80 people attended this solemn but joyous occasion which may become a regular feature in the future.
The second service in November is Remembrance Day. Again a service where we come together to remember those who have gone. This time to thank them for their sacrifice and the freedom that they have given us. An ‘Act of Remembrance’ was performed during our three churches morning services. In the evening a ‘Service of Remembrance’ was held at Ayia Kyriaki, which was very well attended by people coming from far and wide. Both services help to remind us that we don’t say thank you enough to God, to people, to our friends and families. Perhaps this time of year serves as a good reminder to us all to stop, pause, and think about those we should thank and mostly to thank God for his love, patience and grace.
Looking ahead, a very busy December and Christmas period begins with our Advent Carol Service on Sunday 3 December at Ayia Kiriaki starting at 6.00pm. On Saturday 9 December, St Luke’s Church in Prodromi, will be holding a Carols for Christmas service starting at 5.30pm. As a special ‘outreach’ activity, members of our congregations will be singing carols in The King’s Mall, Paphos on Friday 15 December starting at 4.00pm. St Stephen’s in Tala will hold a carol service at 11.00am on Sunday 17 December and a Lessons and Carols service will be held on the 17th at Ayia Kyriaki starting at 6.00pm. Dates and times of all of our Christmas services can be found on our advertisement further down or on our website. Everyone is very welcome to attend all or any of our services.
Regular Church Service Times
Ayia Kyriaki, Kato Paphos
Sundays – Sung Eucharist at 8.15 am
Holy Eucharist at 6.00 pm (1st Sunday of the month)
Wednesdays – Said Eucharist at 9.00 am
St Luke’s, Prodromi
Sundays – 1st and 3rd – Morning Worship at 11.00 am
2nd and 4th – Holy Communion at 11.00 am
St Stephen’s, Tala
Sundays – 1st and 3rd – Holy Communion at 11.00 am
2nd and 4th – Morning Worship at 11.00 am
For more information about church services, locations and our other Parish and community activities please visit: