Rev’d Deborah Moorgas

It has been almost a year since my appointment to St Barnabas Anglican Church, Limassol and I’ve been here for 10 months already. How time flies. Let me formally introduce myself to you, I hail from Durban, South Africa, Durban is very much like Limassol with its beautiful shores and friendly people.
I had worked in the marine insurance industry for almost 31 years. Whilst working full-time I studied for my Licentiate in Insurance and for my Higher Certificate in Theology. I was ordained as a Deacon in 2020 and as a Priest in 2021. I gained invaluable experience as the interregnum at St Christopher’s Cathedral in Bahrain and went back home as the Priest-in-Charge at two very different Parishes. If I had to describe myself, I would say, “I am A child of God, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a mentor and a servant leader, who is cracked and imperfect but beautifully and creatively used by Christ. A courageous, vulnerable and forthright woman who is not afraid to go where God leads me, having the assurance that He has gone before me in all things.” As a Self-supporting clergy person, I balanced the demands of a corporate job, the church and being a mother, all by God’s grace. There were many days when I felt inadequate and undeserving but was very quickly reminded by God that He chose me, He loves me and that He is the one who continues to equip me in all things that are asked of me. I have a passion for young people, have a great respect for the not so young and longs to bring those in-betweeners back to church. I’m a great believer in empowering all people, more especially women, young and old and would love to impact lives in a positive and meaningful way. Finding myself in Cyprus, in ministry full-time, means that God has answered my prayers in a most spectacular way, proving that when we get out of God’s way, all things are possible. I am is excited about how God’s plans are unfolds in my life but more importantly for the Church community and the wider community of Limassol.
I loved spending time with my daughters, Zara and Amara and dear friends. I love playing sport (all types), reading, exercising, long lazy get-togethers with family and friends, and I’m passionate about people, God and the Church. Here, at St Barnabas, I have found a wonderfully warm and friendly community, who are always excited about welcoming new people. Let me say this, we love taking care of others and if you allow it, you will quickly find a family, who will love and support you through good and bad times and in the happy and joyful times too. Each month I will share stories with you from the pews about how people came to be at St Barnabas and why they chose to stay.
TABLETOP SALES at St Barnabas Church will continue to be held throughout 2025. Cost is €12.50 for a pitch the length of one long table. A limited number of tables are available for hire at an additional cost of €5 per table. These must be pre-booked. The next sales are on 1 February, 1 March, 5 April, 3 May, 7 June, 5 July. This is always an enjoyable day out for the family , you will find free car parking in various locations around the church grounds. Hot & cold refreshments available on site. Contact Nora 99356451 or email [email protected] if you would like to reserve a pitch. Cans for kids -please remember to put your empty drinks cans in the cage by the kitchen in the church grounds. The cans are collected regularly and the money generated goes towards helping children in need. Spectacles –A yellow box is at the back of the church for used spectacles, sunglasses, lenses and cases. The Limassol Lions collect them for refurbishment before sending them off to countries in need.
Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol
Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.30am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Sunday Eucharist 10.00am – also available via YouTube
If you are visiting us for the first time, please make yourself known to our Chaplain or sides persons. Refreshments will be available in the church hall after the service.
Rev Deborah Moorgas [email protected]
Rev John Attenborough MTS – 99 539144
[email protected]
Regional Director, Middle East, and South Asia & Chaplain to the Cyprus Ports