Hi readers here we are rolling into October with still good weather but thankfully slightly cooler.
Readers might remember Hattie from my last news round up and up to date she is still wandering around the Tala area so keep a look out and let Paws know if you spot her on 99683775
Might I also bring to the attention of your readers of a Old Lady called Roselle born January 2012 and is a Shepard type dog. Roselle is looking for a Foster or permeant Home with Older people as she is now Blind in 1 eye and has gone Deaf plus is unsteady on her back legs… This Old Lady needs a Bungalow or single dwelling to live in without a pool due to her ailments. If on a permeant Foster, Paws would support any medical costs for Roselle….. Is there anyone out there who could give Roselle a home to live out her last days being loved and in comfort…………….. Roselle is good with other dogs & people. For more information, please contact Colleen on:- [email protected] or give the Shelter Manager Matt a call on 99683775
Paws Shelter could do with support on some up and coming events:
Mutts & Butts Fashion Show @ UKCA 9th October at 15.00hrs
Woolly Jumper & Pet Parcel Event 6th November @ the Shelter 09.30 to 12.00hrs come along in your Christmas Jumper & enjoy the festive event with Cakes & Coffee.
Then on the 4th December at 09.00am A Santa Walk with the dogs before a Santa Dash down the Lane at 09.45 and for the little people in your lives a special Mini Santa Dash at 10.30 of course Coffee, Cake etc. will follow after at the Shelter.
If any readers have any Donations which we will be so pleased to receive you can leave them at our Charity Shop in Chlorakas or “Shampooch” in Geroskipou
You can Advertise your products or Business on our Facebook page or Website from as little as 25 euro just contact Paws and ask for Samantha.
Last but not least our many Thanks to Zypenhinde.c.V. for all the fantastic support they give to Paws and all the re homing that they make happen in Germany we would really struggle without their help.