Paphos Running Club: Run – Bike – Swim – Hike – September 2024

We welcome everyone from beginners to international athletes, so find out more about our Ladies-only Sole Sisters section, our Wave Warriors, our Wheelnutters cycling group, our flourishing Walking group, and our Triathlon sessions, at ‘Paphos Running Club’ website or Facebook page.

Sole Sisters
Despite the heat, the hardy Sole Sisters are still running out and about under the Cyprus sun, but a word to the wise, some are aqua-running in the sea, which is a great way to exercise and stay cool.
We have Sole Sister runs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, so why not come along for a chat to find out what we are all about, everyone is welcome.
Our next Couch to 5k programme (C25K) will start on 7th October so contact Sue Cordrey for more information at: [email protected]

Wave Warriors
Not to be outdone by the very successful PRC Sole Sisters “C25k” programme, we have recently introduced a “Couch to 1.5k” swimming performance programme, which is a first for Cyprus.
Three swimmers have already achieved this milestone, Darrel Bressington, Michelle Liddell, and Vanessa Morton. All three now regularly swim 2km to 3km at a good pace.
Also this month, Helen Ratcliffe and Michelle Liddell won Cyprus Sports Organisation Performance Improvement awards.

“High and Mighty” is the theme for the hot summer months so starting early at altitude to capitalise on the cooler air is the way to go, and you cannot get any higher than Troodos and Mount Olympus!

4th August Geroskipou 4km Race
August is never a busy month for running races, yet on this particular morning there were 2 other races taking place, a 14km event from Kathikas to Aghios Georgios and our own 5km Park Run.
We were very successful at Geroskipou, with Joshua Hinton finishing 3rd overall, Thecla Strydom at 3rd lady overall, backed up by Lee Hinton and Carolyn Stennard winning their age groups!

4th August Paphos Park Run
Meanwhile, Ben Green, Sue Rowland, Lee Stevens, James and Katie Down, all ran the Kathikas 14km starting at 6am, then dashed over to the Park Run starting in Paphos harbour at 8am, where James and Katie finished first man and first woman overall.

Don’t miss our next Paphos Park Run 8am 1st September
Enter FREE via the Paphos Running Club Website

All Paphos Park Run Results can be found at:

If you would like to be involved in any of our wide-ranging activities – Running-Biking-Swimming-Hiking just get in touch. For more information see our Facebook Page or better still, come along 07:30 any Saturday to Coral Bay Bus Terminus for an all-abilities activity, followed by breakfast in the Frog and Toad.
Facebook: Paphos Running Club
President Sue Cordrey +357-9763-8375
Running Captain Peter Portnoi +357-9775-7499 (Run)
Cycling Captain Mark Grere +357-9741-2792 (Bike)
Swimming Captain Martin Hodge +357-9663-1493 (Swim)
Walking Captain Truus Shannon +357-9676-3708 (Hike)

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