The good weather continued into the month which provided excellent sailing at Agios Georgios for members of Paphos International Sailing Club (PISC). Rear Commodore (Sailing), John Huggett, said that the sailing every Thursday and Saturday was very well attended. There were two regular sailing competitions: the quarterly competition which is ongoing and the monthly competition. The Monthly Mug sailing competition was won by Jim McLellan & Annette Garcia, sailing Jim’s Flying Fifteen named Blondie: Robin Marsh and Barbara Jones in Robin’s Kestrel named Nimrod, are leading in the Autumn Series.

At the end of the month Commodore Mick Dent congratulated all the members of the Training Team for their sterling work, conducting training courses for members, many of whom are new young members.
Lara Mitchell, our Social Secretary, and Kay Melville, organised several social events. Members and their guests met regularly at the Clubhouse every Tuesday evening and Friday lunchtime. The Christmas Jumper lunch was great fun, as were the challenging quizzes. At our Christmas Lunch the ladies of B Sharp Choir performed Christmas Carols for members to sing along to in the clubhouse that was beautifully decorated: we even had a log fire.
PISC is a very active sailing club which offers all types of sailing., including sail training (PISC is an accredited member of the CYSAF — Cyprus Sailing Federation). PISC has trained over twenty people to sail this year alone and bookings are now being taken for Spring / Summers Courses. If you would like to join us and learn how to sail please contact us via our website [email protected] .
PISC is an extremely friendly fun-loving club. Anyone wishing to learn to sail is given both encouragement and training. We have boats to buy and club dinghies are available for new members’ use. Social members are also welcome to enjoy the hospitality at our impressive clubhouse which is situated on the main Coral Bay and Sea Caves road. During the last month alone ten new members have joined the club.
The Broom Gale (the El Mickness Gale as shown on the Coptic or Phoenician Calendar) that was very fierce this year arrived exactly on due date. Check this ancient gale calendar out on the internet
If you want to know more about this incredible sailing club, contact us on – [email protected]
We wish all our members and readers a Happy and Healthy New Year