Open Day At Agios Georgios

The first two months of the year have been kind to us weather wise. Although we have lost a few days sailing with rough seas they have generally not affected racing on Saturdays.

In the January Monthly Series, the winner was Peter Wade in ‘Zimmer’, with Roger Crackett & Lindy Andersen in second place in ‘Way To Go’, Paul Hutton-Ashkenny & Steve Gee took third place with ‘Island Girl’.

Mick Dent, PISC Commodore presenting Peter Wade with the January Monthly Series award.

The February Monthly Series is now well underway with Peter Marston in the lead in ‘Must Try Harder’, Tony Edwards in Second place in ‘Bomba’ & Paul & Penny Hutton-Ashkenny in third place in ‘Island Girl’

In the winter series, now over halfway through, its ‘Island Girl’ in the lead with ‘Bomba’ in second place & ‘Way to Go’ in third place, but all to sail for.

We are now looking forward to a busy spring & summers sailing. We have the PISC Open Day on Sunday 27th April where we offer a trial sail with an experienced sailor at the helm. We will be holding a series of sail training presentations for members & the Spring Open Regatta with all of the islands sailing clubs invited to take part on Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th May.

On the social side, you don’t have to be a sailor to join PISC, we had a great ‘Burns Night’ with Haggis, a piper & Ceilidh and a romantic Valentines Night where the guys cooked for the ladies. Coming up we have Pancake Night 4th March, 18th March Mexican Night & 25th March Greek Independence Day celebrations. So it’s all go!!!

Have a great March & drop in & see us at either Agios Georgios on a Thursday or Saturday or on a Tuesday evening or Friday afternoon at our clubhouse at Peyeia.

If you want to know more about this incredible sailing club, contact us on – [email protected]

We look forward to welcoming you!

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