On a warm Saturday evening, 1st of October, we held our annual ‘Songs of Praise in the Park’ event. Members from our three churches, as well as people from other denominations and ‘locals’, met together in Ayio Andronikas Park in Polis to sing well-known hymns and listen to poems and readings on the theme of Faith. During the service, a collection was made for the Dreamland Mission Hospital in Kenya, a charity close to the hearts of the congregation of St Luke’s. We look forward to welcoming you and many others to next years’ service. )
Closely following on from the ‘Songs’ event, was our service of “Blessing of Pets“ to mark St Francis Of Assisi Day. Held annually on 4th October the service is run jointly between the Latin Catholics and the Anglican Church in the tree area outside Ayia Kyriaki Church (by St. Paul’s Pillar) Kato Paphos. 25 people and 2 children attended with their dogs. All the dogs got along very well with each other, it is almost as if they realise the special nature of their outing . It is a short service of prayers and a Bible reading and then each pet is Blessed by one of the Priests. We would welcome any type of pet to the service so put the date in your diary for next year and come along.

The beginning of November marks the end of our ‘Wedding Season’. Due to the relaxation of Covid restrictions, 2022 has been a busy year with 56 wedding ceremonies and 12 Renewal of Vows services being conducted around the parish. If you, your friends or family members are thinking of getting married in Paphos, find out how we may be able to assist in providing an occasion you will remember for the rest of your life, by visiting our wedding website www.yourcypruswedding.org.
On Remembrance Sunday, 13th November, we shall be holding the following services: ‘An Act of Remembrance’ during our morning services at Ayia Kyriaki, Kato Papho at 8.15 am; St Stephen’s, Tala at 10.45 am and St Luke’s, Prodromi at 10.50am. An evening ‘Service of Remembrance’ will be held at Ayia Kyriaki, Kato Paphos, at 6.00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The run-up to Christmas begins on Advent Sunday, 27th November when, in addition to our usual morning services we will be holding a traditional ‘Advent Carol Service’ at Ayia Kyriaki, Kato Paphos commencing at 6.00pm. Bring your family and friends and join us to celebrate the start of the Christmas season. Everyone is welcome.
Regular service times at our three churches
Ayia Kyria, (by St Paul’s Pillar) Kato Paphos
Sunday – Sung Eucharist at 8.15 am
Holy Eucharist at 6.00pm (first Sunday of the month)
Wednesday – Said Eucharist at 9.00 am
St Luke’s, Prodromi
Sundays – 1st and 3rd – Morning Worship at 11.00 am
2nd and 4th – Holy Communion at 11.00 am
St Stephen’s, Tala
Sundays – 1st and 3rd – Holy Communion at 11.00 am
2nd and 4th – Morning Worship at 11.00 am
Full details of our regular and Christmas services, maps and directions to our churches (and much more) can be found on our website www.paphosanglicanchurch.org