Our church services continue as always but with a different minister leading us in worship each week. Until a new Chaplain is appointed for Limassol Parish we are blessed to have ministers from Nicosia and Larnaca as well as Rev John Attenborough and Rev Alex Sanders from our parish leading us in worship. The search is on for a new Chaplain but these things take time, hopefully by next month I shall have more news.

The end of 2023 was as busy as ever; our bazaar was a tremendous success, full of stalls selling gifts and refreshments. The entertainment was provided by Silverline School and The Fun Band. Fellowship was enjoyed by all who came along, and our fundraising efforts proved worthwhile with over four and a half thousand Euros added to church funds.
The service of Nine Lessons and Carols took place on 17th December, those attending enjoyed wine and mince pies afterwards.
Christine Taylor and Brian Goodburn decorated the church in readiness for our Christmas services, several visitors and friends joined us, and everyone shared the love and joy during this special period. We celebrated the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and were given hope for the future. It was a time to remember those less fortunate and reach out with acts of kindness, take care of the sick, visit the lonely and to hold each other in our prayers.
Coffee morning -Come along to Barnabas Church Hall on Tuesday 23rd January 11.00am – 2.00pm for a coffee morning and sale. Tickets €5 each from Christine Taylor. Everyone welcome, please invite your friends and neigbours and enjoy a few hours of food, fun and friendship. We have an assortment of new items for sale (if you have something you wish to donate please let Christine know by 18th January).
We are fortunate to have so many volunteers in our congregation, whether it is providing refreshments after the services, printing the news sheets, maintaining the website and Facebook pages, keeping the site clean and tidy or making sure everything works. We thank our sides people, readers, sacristans, fundraisers, cleaners and everyone else who helps towards the smooth running of our church.
TABLETOP SALES at St Barnabas Church will continue to be held throughout 2024. Cost is €12.50 for a pitch the length of one long table. A limited number of tables are available for hire at an additional cost of €5 per table. These must be pre-booked. The next sales are on 3rd February and 2nd March. This is always an enjoyable day out for the family, you will find free car parking in various locations around the church grounds. Hot & cold refreshments available on site. Contact Nora 99356451 or email [email protected] if you would like to reserve a pitch.
Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol
Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.30am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Sunday Eucharist 10.00am – also available via Zoom
Sunday Eucharist at St Lazarus’ in Pissouri
2nd Sunday of each month at 6.00pm
The next services will be: – January 14th and February 11th
If you are visiting us for the first time, please make yourself known to our Chaplain or sides persons. Refreshments will be available in the church hall after the service.
For further information please contact: Christine Taylor, [email protected]
Rev John Attenborough MTS – 99 539144
Regional Director, Middle East, and South Asia & Chaplain to the Cyprus Ports