My regular readers (regular readers? Really? Who am I trying to kid?) will, I hope, forgive me for mentioning money again. I have tried really hard to explain that Rotary is more than a fund-raising organisation – that fellowship, actually doing good works, developing international relations etc. etc. are also parts of being a Rotarian. Nevertheless it is undeniable that raising money is important. We all know that money makes the world go round (how many song titles can I get in?) and the more we can raise the more we can give away.
This year, for example we have supported projects to the tune of €6600, with large donations to Shelterbox, Friends Hospice, Autistic Society, Margarita Liasidou School, as well as supporting the ambitions of a very talented young Cyprus musician.
In July we will have a new President (Presidents change every year or two). Timo outlined to the club an ambitious programme of events for the coming year, including music concerts, Race night, island wide quiz, and an organised fund raising walk. Our aim is to raise over €10000 this Rotary year.

We hope you will support these events. Every cent raised goes to charity – any expenses are covered by our club dues. We advertise on Facebook so please look out for an event near you.
One of the advantages of Rotary is its size and world wide connections so we were very pleased to hear that our Rotary district had purchased 600 tents from ShelterBox for delivery to Gaza ( the photo shows typical ShelterBox family tents). Though this may be a drop in the ocean of need it is going to be crucial for 600 families.

On a personal note, as the Cyprus Global Ambassador for ShelterBox, I am hoping we can contribute many more items of shelter for Gaza in the coming months. As you will know the need is immediate and immense. If you would like to donate you can contribute at the address below.
As The Beatles sang ‘The Best Things In Life are Free’ but money is needed too.
Ian Graves
Contact at:
[email protected]