Well my first thoughts were.. Aha Celebrity fad who can afford this one!!

Now folks I’m not going to tell you we all need more Oxygen in our lives, but, we all need more Oxygen in our lives.
Cyprus air quality can persistently be under attack from coptic sand storms and other elements. And the increasing viral threats from abroad, leaving us all feeling a little bit congested and lethargic.
This New therapy is not new, it has been used since 1940s. It is reported to help, aid and assist all manner of medical issues, and I would definitely urge you to look into it further.
In fact, I would go as far as to say it can benefit all symptoms of life!! Whether young or
My sincerest advice would be investigate it fully!!! Because, like me, you will discover so many positives about this therapy you will be inclined to try it.
Of which I did. There are 3 options available at MyHealth Clinic Pafos. Two HBOT soft shell units:
- A seated chamber
- A lay down chamber
- And then the hydrogen

You will have a full consultation before being seated for any of the treatments. It is important to get the correct information and find the most beneficial therapy for your individual need. After all, we are all very different.
My first treatment was the Hydrogen, as simple as sit back and relax, work or play. As you have full access to your devices or you can switch off completely. The whole experience is directed to you and your comfort.
All treatments can be done while you are awake and functioning, they are non-intrusive, non-invasive and along with other medical treatments can be a great supplementary treatment to assist and enhance recovery or pain management.
I would recommend you look up: Hyperbaric therapy on Google to see for yourself, I for one am an advocate!
The recommendation for maximum benefits is 10 to 40 treatments in 1 hour sessions, twice a week.
Your consultation will give you a detailed treatment plan.
Of course this can be a lengthy process and what if it doesn’t work!?
Like all new to you therapies there has to be an element of doubt, a snake oil tale. However, as this is a well documented treatment spanning decades, there is substantial evidence to back up any claim.
And again I would direct you to Google it!! and if none of those are available contact me directly.
I would be happy to discuss all the pros and cons and all the inbetweens.
Here are just some of the health benefits:
- Anti ageing, improving collagen reproduction and internal external skin health.
- Promotes skin healing, Diabetic wounds, Acne, and other skin issues.
- Promotes good brain health for Dementia and Alzheimer’s, and so many more…
Contact MyHealth today for a consultation quote Pals Cyprus for a chance to win a free session.
Or call /Text /WhatsApp Wendy on 96708748.