Happy New Year From Paphos Aphrodite Rotary Club

Now I know what you’re thinking. Either he’s gone mad or he’s very late or rather early. Actually it’s none of these. The Rotary year starts in July and is then followed by a quiet August – holidays, heat etc. So effectively the beginning of September signals the real start of our annual activities.

The Rotary tradition has been to elect a President for one year. This has some disadvantages (possibly a lack of continuity) but also the benefit of refreshing ideas. In well established clubs nearly all members can call themselves PP – Past President.

Here at Paphos Aphrodite (she gets everywhere, doesn’t she? See accompanying picture) we are particularly fortunate in having a number of new and dynamic members, including Timo – our President for 2024/5.Some of us – like me – are growing a little long in the tooth so this injection of more youthful folk is very welcome. It means that we are looking forward to our new year with eager anticipation. We have a full programme planned , with one of the highlights being the Euromeeting in October when we will be welcoming to Paphos Rotarians from across Europe. This is a continuation of a programme that saw 6/8? clubs hosting In turn with friendships being made and consolidated over the years.

In addition we will be putting on events throughout the year which are aimed to be fun – great music, great food, great activities- as well as raising money for our charities – ShelterBox, the Margharita Liasidou Centre, Friands Hospice and the Autistic Society. We hope we will see some of you at these events. We will also be continuing our sponsorship of young people, giving them the opportunity to go outside of Cyprus to further their musical careers or to gain valuable life experiences.

Rotary is a worldwide organisation with a worldwide reach and worldwide concerns, including health – the elimination of Polio – and peace – fostering positive international relations. Our club, indeed all the clubs in Cyprus, are only a small part of the whole but a reminder that all organisms are made up of smaller parts that need to work together.

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