What a wonderful Easter we had in St Barnabas’ Church.
Christ is Risen Alleluia!
Of course, I mean the celebrations we had in the Anglican church at the beginning of April, the Orthodox holiday followed a month later this year so their Easter will be at the beginning of May.
Our Lent course was held weekly from Ash Wednesday until 25th March and was based on the film The King’s Speech; it was very thought provoking, and we had a lot of in-depth discussions led by Maggie le Roy the Diocesan Retreats leader. About 13 members attended each week.
On 26th March, Rev Justin Arnott from Nicosia made his way to St Barnabas’ Church during one of the wettest and windiest nights of the year. However, it didn’t stop a few hardened parishioners from braving the elements to join him for the Maundy Thursday service which was held at 6.00pm.
The following morning Rev Canon John Holdsworth came to lead us in worship for Good Friday, once again a very meaningful service with several of our congregation in attendance, it was also relayed via our Zoom link so that a wider audience could participate.
Saturday morning was all change, the flower team decorated the church adding colour and joy, it had been stripped bare of all ornaments and decorations during the week before. Following this we were invited into the Chaplaincy Garden to do a meditative walk with prayer following the stations of the cross.
Sunday 4th April, the church was full (following the appropriate guidelines for numbers allowed), many ladies wore hats, men put on colourful shirts or ties. Archbishop Michael Lewis led us in worship and the true feeling of CHRIST IS RISEN was there with us, for the first time this year we sang every verse of every hymn on our list and even though we had to keep our masks on, the church was full of joy. On exiting the church chocolate eggs were handed out and food parcels given to those in need.
Hopefully now, with Father Ian Nicholson firmly in place, we can resume some of our regular church activities whilst strictly adhering to the safeguarding measures and protocols announced by the government.
Following the sad news on the death of HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh which occurred at Windsor Castle on Friday 9th April 2021, a special service of remembrance was held in St Barnabas’ Church at 9.00 am on Wednesday 14th April. A book of condolences was also available for anyone to write their own prayers or words of condolence. Our thoughts and prayers are with HRH Queen Elizabeth ll and other family members at this time.
Future plans:
On Saturday 5th June we hope to restart our very popular Tabletop Sales, they will of course be subject to the new regulations, social distancing and mask wearing so all stall holders and attendees are politely asked to respect these when visiting. More information will be available in the coming weeks but please let us know if you will be able to help out on the day, there will be lots to do and all volunteers will be very much appreciated.
On Sunday 13th June we plan our long-awaited celebration to formally welcome Father Ian and Carol to Limassol Parish, it will be outside weather permitting, once again details will be available in the coming weeks. It is also the nearest Sunday to have a patronal festival for St Barnabas, officially 17th June, so lots to look forward to.
Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol
Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.00am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Tabletop Sales 1st Saturday of each month commencing 5th June.
Sunday Eucharist 10.00am – also available via Zoom
Sunday Eucharist at St Lazarus’, Pissouri
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 6.00pm
Whether you come along to the church or join us via Zoom we promise you a warm welcome. Details of regular services and events are available in the church, on our weekly news sheet, our website or Facebook page.
If you are visiting us for the first time, please make yourself known to our Chaplain or sides persons. Usually, refreshments are served outside St Barnabas’ Church after the service, but this depends on current restrictions, church gifts and greetings cards are also available after the service.
For further information please contact us:
Fr. Ian Nicholson 96 612371