March winds, April showers, winter snow, we had it all in February. It was a month of many seasons but there was, as always, a warm welcome at St Barnabas’ Anglican Church in Limassol.
The Diocesan Synod took place from 7th-10th February but sadly, like last year, it had to be conducted via Zoom, such a shame as the interaction between members from Cyprus and the Gulf is always very special and for many of us the only time we get to meet our friends from other countries within our very diverse and unique Diocese. A quote from Archbishop Michael Lewis “despite uncertain and unsettling times Christ is the same, and Christ’s will and call is that we and all God’s creation should have life and have it abundantly”. We had a video made of some of the events that go on in our Parish, you can find it on our website.
On 1st March we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday with crepes and coffee in the church hall from 11.00am, please come along and join us.
Ash Wednesday service is at 9.30am on 2nd March, and the Lenten Study course will then run each Wednesday from 9th March – 13th April in the church hall.
On 27th March we will be celebrating Mothering Sunday, always a special service and an opportunity for families to come along and join us. Following the service refreshments will be served in the church garden, weather permitting of course.
Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday 3rd April and there will be vacancies on the Council, if you feel you would like to be involved in the running of our church please have a word with Father Ian. Notices and forms for nominations are on the board in the church hall, we will be seeking three new Council members plus a new church warden.
Our craft group have made palm crosses, they will be blessed and distributed on Palm Sunday, April 10th, during the morning service at St Barnabas’ and at St Lazarus’ at 6.00pm the same day.
Next month we will be celebrating Easter in St Barnabas’ Church, and services will be held each day from Thursday 14th until Sunday 17th.
Maundy Thursday 6.00pm
Good Friday 10.00am
Holy Saturday 10.00am Stations of the Cross
Easter Sunday 10.00am
On Easter Sunday the church will be bedecked with flowers after the austere period of Lent and it will be a day to rejoice, the day we celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead.
Also, on Easter Sunday (17th April) a service will be held on the beach in Pissouri at 12.45 with our Chaplain and members of St Lazarus’, all welcome to celebrate with them. Of course, the following week our friends in the Orthodox Church will be celebrating their Easter and a week of services, parades and vigils will be held culminating in the lighting of candles at midnight on the 23rd.We continue to collect “Cans for Kids” in our wire cage by the front gate and each week we are thankful to accept donations of dried and tinned foods to help the needy in our community.
Many members of our congregation are away from friends and family and we are mindful of how lonely they can feel, please pray for them.
God of the journey, God of the traveller we pray for all who leave their homes in search of new beginnings and possibilities. May they know your presence with them. Amen
On Wednesday morning we have our midweek communion service starting at 9.30am, this is particularly beneficial to those who still wish to be in smaller groups rather than in large gatherings as is sometimes the case at our Sunday service.
Our church is always open if you want to come along for a time of quiet reflection or, if you would like someone to talk to, get in touch and we can arrange that for you. Our pastoral care team do try and visit those who are at home but if you know of anyone who needs a visit or a phone call please let us know.
Thankfully the weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and more people are feeling that it is safe to venture out.
Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol
Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.30am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Chinese Bible Study, Monday 10.00-12.30
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Saturday Tabletop Sales – Next sales March 5th, April 2nd
Sunday Eucharist 10.00am – also available via Zoom
Sunday Eucharist at St Lazarus’ in Pissouri
2nd Sunday of each month at 6.00pm in the room under the Amphitheatre.
The next services will be: -March13th and April 10th
If you are visiting us for the first time, please make yourself known to our Chaplain or sides persons. Refreshments will be available in the church hall after the service.
For further information please contact:
Fr. Ian Nicholson 96 612371