How nice to see more people in church as regulations are gradually being lifted, more people are travelling from abroad and friends here that have stayed away, for their own health and safety concerns, are all now coming back.
It is so nice to witness happy reunions and enjoy fellowship after the service with a nice cup of tea and usually a home baked piece of cake thanks to our lovely volunteers who are there each week to give us service with a smile.
We do all we can to make our congregation safe and comfortable. When visiting us please bring your ‘Safe Pass’ and wear a mask both in church and in other church buildings. this is a government regulation but is also a way to be respectful to our fellow worshipers and help to keep us all safe.
If you haven’t been vaccinated and want help with finding out what to do or where to go, please have a word with one of our church wardens. A RAPID test will permit you access to church so this is something to consider and they are readily available for a small fee at many pharmacies.
Dates for your diary:
October 31st :
Our annual Thanksgiving Service will be held on All Saints Day, at 6.00pm in St Barnabas’ Church. Come along and light a candle in memory of a relative or friend who has passed away. Please put names on the list in the church hall of those whose names you would like to be read out during the service. All are welcome, you will be amongst friends and will have the opportunity to linger afterwards in the church grounds or hall, either for quiet reflection or to talk to others.
14th November:
Remembrance Sunday will be celebrated in church at 10.00am, a time to commemorate those we lost during times of conflict. Poppies will be available in church from the end of October.
27th November:
Christmas Bazaar, this is our main fundraising event of the year and, as we had to cancel our plans for 2020, we hope this year the event will be bigger and better than ever. We have had a message from the North Pole to confirm that Father Christmas will be stopping by en route to other distant place so make sure the children come along to see him.
There will be lots of food stalls so start off with a bacon & egg sandwich cooked freshly by the Limassol Lions, perhaps have a delicious crepe, homemade cake, tasty sandwich or perhaps something else may tempt your taste buds. Sit outside and have a refreshing cup of tea or coffee whilst enjoying the sounds and smells going on all around the site.
Look for seasonal gifts including decorations and cards; handmade items from our dedicated team of craft ladies who work tirelessly during the year; grab a bargain at the bric-a-brac stall; perhaps a book will encourage you to browse through the many titles on offer; toys, kitchen items, bags, scarves, clothes The list is endless but there is something for everyone.
Perhaps you would like to sit and enjoy the entertainment under the shade of our Jacaranda tree at the rear of the church ——- but don’t forget to buy your raffle tickets first!
Whatever you decide to do, just come along, meet friends, enjoy refreshments and while away a few hours with friends.
3rd December:
Achord Choir sing in St Barnabas’ Church
4th December:
The Limassol Coeur de Lion Lions Club is holding a Christmas Extravaganza at the Ajax Hotel in Limassol. We are always pleased to support Lions events and appreciate the ongoing support we receive from them during the year.. Further details can be found on posters in the church hall contact Doreen 99240284, or see their advert on page 26 of this magazine.
If you cannot make it to Limassol for our services why not visit our church in Pissouri on alternative Sundays at the Amphitheatre, Father Ian Nicholson will be presiding and the warden and sides people will be there to welcome you. Service starts at 6.00pm.
The next Tabletop Sales will be held in the church grounds on 6th November, offers of help or to book a pitch please contact Nora Ananiades 99356451.
Please save your aluminium drinks cans, we are collecting them to raise cash for the charity, CANS FOR KIDS. A cage can be found just inside the church gates so put your bags full of cans in there when passing and once it is full, it will be emptied and the cans converted to cash which will then be spent on necessary items for children.
We continue to welcome donations of dried and tinned foods, and toiletries, each week for distribution to those in need. During these difficult times many of our friends in the community have faced difficulties so anything we can do to help is greatly appreciated.
Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol
Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.30am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Chinese Bible Study 10.15-12.30
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Tabletop Sales – Next sale 6th November
Sunday Eucharist 10.00am – also available via Zoom
Sunday Eucharist at St Lazarus’, Pissouri
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 6.00pm in the room under the Amphitheatre.
October services on 10th and 24th,
November services on 14th & 28th
Details of regular services and events are available in the church, on our weekly news sheet, our website or Facebook page.
If you are visiting us for the first time, please make yourself known to our Chaplain or sides persons. Refreshments are served after the service, and this is a good opportunity to find more about our church and our community.
For further information please contact:
Fr. Ian Nicholson 96 612371
[email protected]