Farewell to Rev Ken Waters – 5th January 2024

The farewell Eucharist Service took place at Ayia Kyriaki to a packed church with more than 75 parishioners attending. Archdeacon Christopher Fulcher preached a splendid sermon and paid homage to Rev Ken naming some of the projects that he had undertaken and completed in this time with us The gospel procession was led by Rev Andrew Burtt who read the gospel.
It was a joyful/sad occasion but was an uplifting way for Rev Ken to finish his time with us and begin his retirement.
The service was followed by a meal at Neo’s in Coral Bay and a presentation was made to Ken to thank him for all that he has done for so many of us. Ken was always cheerful, caring, thoughtful, open minded and the list could go on. He will be very much missed and we are privileged to have known him and had this time with him.