News From Only TNR

Only TNR

Janice Eastman did a Bike round around Cyprus as one of the only women in a Team of Men. This “Lap of the Island” Bike Ride took place on the 29th October 2024.

A super Bike rider, she raised well over €5,000 and split the proceeds between ….”. Only Trap Neuter & Release” and “St. Michael’s Hospice”. Plus 2 other small donations to other charities. Janice is seen below in the Cycle Team a wonderful lady to raise so much money for such worthy Charities. A big Thank you from “Only TNR” to Janice.

“Only TNR” neutered 250 Cats in the Pegia & Coral Bay Area in 2024 and also feed over 250 cats on a daily basis, even on Christmas Day when they are all treated to Chicken cooked by Pam & Don.

The action “Only TNR” manages to do with the help of the wonderful Volunteers on a daily basis can now be seen as there are not as many unwanted Kittens and Cats being dumped in our area.

A Fun Quiz night is held on the 1st Tuesday of every month at Coral Star facing Philippos Supermarket to raise funds for this Charity. Please come along and support this event which has a 19.30 start. Guest Quiz Masters come every month so it’s a different format, making it fun for all.

“Only TNR” also have a Charity Shop to be found in the area facing Coral Beach Hotel in Coral Bay where bargains can be had and this money helps pay for food and any treatments the abandoned Cats require.

Pop in to the shop which is open Monday to Saturday 10.00am to 13.00hrs all donations gratefully received.

Any reader can be a Volunteer to either feed the Cats or work in the shop or even learn to become a Trapper and spare a few hours helping these needy animals plus enjoying helping. Please contact Pam on 96442265

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