Snails Walking Sports Cyprus

Walking football has been in existence in Cyprus since 2019 with a number of clubs in the Pafos District which now play in a competitive league.

Snails Walking Sports

At the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 Laurence wanted to involve local charities and health care providers to raise awareness of the health benefits of walking football and together with John Fitzsimmons the Snails Walking Football club came into existence.

Snails Walking Football are affiliated to the WFA UK it is a non-competitive club which focuses on health benefits for the individual taking part.

Snails looks to encourage older members of the community, Men over 50 and Women over 45 into a fun , friendly and safe environment to partake in gentle sporting activity. It was recognised that there were more walking sports available and Snails quickly developed into these other sports and at present there are sessions available that are covering Walking Football, Walking Cricket and Walking Netball.

We are looking to develop walking Rugby and Walking Rounders and will have an open day later in the year to show case each sport. All sports are played under the same ethos of Fun, Friendship and Fitness and all are walking only.

There are coaches available at the sessions along with certified first aid trained volunteers. You need no previous sporting experience to take part in the sessions.

Snails is not for profit and all members are unpaid volunteers, Snails encourages older members of the community to come and get involved and actively promotes the engagement of those members with long or short term impairments, mentally or physically to come and get involved and join in the fun.

Walking Sports has no limits. Our oldest active member is 87 this year.

If you wish to get involved, play or just support please contact the email address: [email protected]

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