In October our Chaplain, Rev’d Ian Nicholson and his wife Carol spent a well-earned break visiting family and friends in New Zealand. During this time, we were pleased to welcome Rev’d John Attenborough, Archbishop Michael Lewis, and Rev’d George Vidiakin to preside at our Sunday services. It is always good to have visiting clergy come along to lead us in worship and meet our congregation during fellowship afterwards when we enjoy refreshments kindly supplied by our team of volunteers who look after us each week.
Friday 11th November the Achord Community Choir will be be putting on a Remembrance Day Charity Concert in St Barnabas Church, 6.00pm-7.15pm. Refreshments in church hall afterwards. Tickets €10 can be pre-booked through Achord or purchased at the door on the night.
A Service of Remembrance will be held at 10.00am on Sunday 13th November in church.
Mission to Seafarers –Christmas Appeal. If you can cover a shoe box in Christmas paper and fill it with suitable items or bring small gifts and hand to Christine or Brian so that we can use them to fill boxes, we shall be delighted. Suitable things include – socks, gloves, scarves, pens, writing pad, small torch, mints, toothpaste and brushes, deodorant, sweets (not chocolate) etc. Last year we managed to fill over twenty boxes so let us see if we can do better this year. These boxes will be handed to Rev John Attenborough, the Chaplain for MtS and they will then be handed out to crew men and women who have been at sea for many months and will be away from family and friends over the festive period.
Christmas Bazaar – Saturday 26th November
John Rider has kindly offered to coordinate the event and ALL offers of help would be appreciated. This could be helping with publicity; selling raffle tickets and getting suitable prizes; arranging entertainment; taking control of a stall; helping with refreshments, etc. Please consider what part you could play even if not necessarily a congregant of St Barnabas/St Lazarus but would be willing to help on the day., All offers of help appreciated. In addition to being an important fundraiser, this is our largest fellowship and community outreach event and will, as always, be supported by the Coeur de Lion Lions Club.
Advent Study will be using “O Come O Come Emmanuel: To Celebrate Jesus’ Coming With Hope For All” by John Cox Advent, like Lent, is an opportunity for us to pause and reflect. Amid all the bustle and busyness of the pre-Christmas period, finding time to withdraw from the rush and the anxiety is perhaps more important if we are to keep things in proportion. This Advent course provides the opportunity for a reality check – the reality of who we are and what our world is, the reality of our hopes as well as our fears. It encourages us to look afresh at reality of the one who comes – how much is he really a part of our lives?
As we look forward this Advent, we will be encouraged to look in other directions as well – to look around at those who are lost and alienated, at outcasts and refugees; to look inward at what is within us and within the world, especially in the darker parts; to look up find hope and aspiration; to look with gratitude; and to look with the eyes of loving response as we meet with Christ, the one we long for, the one who we believe comes to meet the needs of our world and ourselves. The six-week study based around the six verses of O come, O come Emmanuel.
Study will take place in the church hall Wed 1030 -1230 after our 0930 Eucharist service
9 Nov Session one – God’s welcome to all
16 Nov Session two – Freedom
23 Nov Session three – Light in the darkness
30 Nov Session four – Key of David
7 Dec Session five – Lord Almighty, giver of the law
14 Dec Session six – Emmanuel, God with us
Christmas services at St Barnabas Church
Nine Lessons & Carols 18th December. 6.00pm
Midnight Mass 24th December 11.00pm
Christmas Day 25th December 10.00am
Epiphany service 8th January 2023 10.00am
Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol
Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.30am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Saturday Tabletop Sales – Next sales Oct 8th and Nov 5th
Sunday Eucharist 10.00am – also available via Zoom
Sunday Eucharist at St Lazarus’ in Pissouri
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 6.00pm in the room under the Amphitheatre.
The next services will be: – November 13th and 27th
If you are visiting us for the first time, please make yourself known to our Chaplain or sides persons. Refreshments will be available in the church hall after the service.
For further information please contact:
Fr. Ian Nicholson 96 612371
[email protected]