As seasons come and go, here we are again at the start of a long-awaited, much necessary rainy yet cold and humid period. The first rain of the season was indeed a very big one, as we could all experience, and only due to the shelter staff being very dedicated and involved could the animals be kept dry. Nevertheless, this means that things must be kept as much in order as possible, so that animals can receive the help they need.
What with heavy rain, strong winds and high humidity levels starting in the very open space the shelter is, we have to ask for the public’s support in donating any of the following to the shelter:
- Blankets
- Bedding
- Towels
- Newspapers
- (Large) Pieces of cardboard
- Soft food for cats and dogs
- Any small or large plastic covers
The above items are needed in large quantities because, due to the bad weather, there is never time for enough laundry to dry, and so dogs and cats, but especially dogs, cannot be kept without any bedding. Cardboard is used for lining the floors in the dog shelter, to help create insulation and keep the humidity of the floor away from the dogs as much as possible. Newspapers are needed to cover the floors over the cardboards. Finally, soft food for cats and dogs is needed at all times, alongside dry food.
For any large quantities of the above items collection will be arranged. If any businesses can help with donating items they do no longer need, it would be most gratefully received. Please call 26946461 for more info. Thank you all for your support in helping us keep our animals dry this winter!
Animal Rescue Cyprus
For information regarding the work of Animal Rescue Cyprus, programs such as TNR or rescue, please call 26946461. You can also send your inquiry emails to [email protected]. For export inquiries please email [email protected].
Via PayPal, please select “Friends & Family” and use email address [email protected]
Via Hellenic Bank: Bank: Hellenic Bank Branch 595, Danaes Avenue 8032 Paphos; Account name: Animal Rescue Cyprus; Account number: 595-01-G46696-01 (EUR); IBAN: CY65 0050 0595 0005 9501 G466 9601; SWIFT/BIC: HEBACY2N