During the month of September and up until our Harvest Festival on the 2nd of October. We have been celebrating the Season of Creation.
This has given us all food for thought, with a different theme each week:
Week One : World day of prayer for creation
Week Two: The consequences of lifestyle
Week Three: The community of all creation
Week Four: The cry of the earth and the cry of the poor
Week Five: The Curse of Affluence
Week Six: St Francis Day
We are part of a single, wondrously complex web of life that is woven by God. Each year from September 1 to October 4, the Christian family celebrates the good gift of creation. This global celebration is now embraced by the wide ecumenical community. We share one common home. During the Season of Creation, we unite as one family in Christ, celebrating the bonds we share with each other and with “every living creature on Earth” (Genesis 9:10). The Christian family celebrates the Season by spending time in prayer, considering ways to inhabit our common home more sustainably, and lifting our voices in the public sphere. We must speak up for those who have no voice” (Prov 31:8) The devastation of the web of life is, in itself, a tragic loss. We contemplate this loss and pray that it ends. We also pray for justice, as the most vulnerable among us suffer most deeply as the web of life begins to unravel. Our faith calls us to respond to this crisis with the urgency born of moral clarity. We were called to be stewards of Creation, and we have failed. The younger generation are rising up now and calling for the Earth to be healed. Let us join them and work together to protect the web of life which sustains us all. …
Living on this beautiful island we are blessed with an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, let us all pray together for those in parts of the world who are not so fortunate and whose lives are a daily struggle for food and in many cases, fresh water.
As many of us in Cyprus and around the world, we mourn the passing of our Sovereign Queen Elizabeth ll. A special service was held in church on Friday 16th September and a book of condolences is available at the back of the church for anyone who wishes to leave a personal message.
It is also a time to honour our new sovereign King Charles lll, LONG MAY HE REIGN.
Many of us have returned from our summer vacations and now we can get back to work planning things for the next quarter of this year, our usual service. of Thanksgiving will be held on All Souls Day, 30th October and our Service of Remembrance on 13th November, will go ahead as usual. We shall have our Christmas Bazaar on the last Saturday in November before entering the period of Advent.
Our Christmas services will be published nearer the time but let me remind all of you that you are welcome to come to any service, anytime, any day and we shall be glad to see you. We continue to collect “Cans for Kids”in the wire cage by the front gate, the proceeds from the money generated from these cans goes to good charitable causes which we are keen to support.
Items of dried and tinned food continue to come in so that we can help the needy in our community, monetary donations are also welcome for the purchase of items when required.
We are also collecting items to go in Christmas boxes for the crews at sea. These will be handed to our Chaplain for the Mission to Seafarers who will distribute them and bring a festive spirit to the men and women who spend many months at sea away from their families.
On Tuesday mornings we have our prayer group in church, and on Wednesday mornings we have our midweek communion service starting at 9.30am, the service lasts approximately 30 minutes and we are always happy to welcome new friends to join us.
Please join us in prayer for those amongst us who are ill or grieving at this time, we remember all those close to us during our services but private prayer is also very effective.
Regular Events at St Barnabas Church Limassol
Tuesday Prayer Meeting 9.30am
Wednesday Communion 9.30am
Ladies Wednesday Craft Group 10-12 noon
Friday coffee time via ZOOM 3.00pm
Saturday Tabletop Sales – Next sales Oct 8th and Nov 5th
Sunday Eucharist 10.00am – also available via Zoom
Sunday Eucharist at St Lazarus’ in Pissouri
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 6.00pm in the room under the Amphitheatre. The next services will be: – October 9th and 23rd,
If you are visiting us for the first time, please make yourself known to our Chaplain or sides persons. Refreshments will be available in the church hall after the service.
For further information please contact:
Fr. Ian Nicholson 96 612371
[email protected]