With a slight drop in temperature, September sees the restart of our programme of outdoor activities.
Many immigrant refugees are now finding paid employment in the Paphos area. However, for some, getting to work can be a problem due to not living near to bus routes and therefore having to walk long distances to their jobs. Last month we instigated a scheme to donate or purchase refurbished bicycles which can be given to those in most need. To date, six bicycles have been sourced and we continue to develop the programme in the Paphos area.
In the UK, September is the traditional time to celebrate the Harvest. Although here in Cyprus the harvest us usually earlier in the year, we will be holding our annual traditional Harvest Festival services at our three churches on Sunday 25 September. Full details of these and our regular services can be found below.
Looking forward to next month, Monday 3 October is the proposed date for our annual Service of Pet Blessing (see our website for details). Held in the grounds of Ayia Kyriaki, (by St Paul’s Pillar) Kato Paphos the service begins at 4.00 pm. Bring your animals along to this casual and fun event – all pets are welcome.
Our Autumn Walk for charity is being held on Thursday 27 October. Three circular walks are available in varying distances – 20, 12 and 7 Kms – all starting at Sea Caves near Coral Bay. Why not get sponsored and raise money for your charity? You will be very welcome. Full details of the event – registration, sponsorship, location and route maps – are available from our website: www.paphosanglicanchurch.org
Service times at our three churches:
Ayia Kyriaki
Sunday – Sung Eucharist at 8.15 am
Holy Eucharist at 6.00pm (first Sunday of the month)
Wednesday – Said Eucharist at 9.00 am.
St Luke’s, Prodromi
Sundays – 1st and 3rd – Morning Worship at 11.00 am
2nd and 4th – Holy Communion at 11.00 am.
St Stephen’s, Tala
Sundays – 1st and 3rd – Holy Communion at 11.00 am
2nd and 4th – Morning Worship at 11.00 am
For further details of church services and our many other activities, please visit our website www.paphosanglicanchurch.org