Eliminating Stress and Depression – Forever! The Twelve Principles

Eliminating Stress

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a there was a tablet you could take that would eliminate stress and depression forever? How much would YOU pay for a month’s supply? Can you imagine how it would make you feel to know with absolute certainty that you would never again feel stressed or get depressed about anything?

After fifty years of searching I have finally found the answer and now I look at it and apply the principle to my everyday life with 100% success I am staggered by the utter simplicity that underpins the most precious secret on earth.

Before I share this secret with you I want to know if the reasons that I get stressed and have suffered from depression in the past, are the same ones that get to You.

Let’s list them in random order:

  1. Money problems and the struggle to ‘make ends meet’
  2. Difficulties caused by a relationship
  3. Difficulties caused by not having a relationship
  4. Challenges at work or school or college or university
  5. Loss of freedom
  6. A perceived lack of ‘Achievement’ however you define this
  7. Being frustrated by or with someone or something
  8. Health issues
  9. Losing……anything
  10. Bereavement
  11. Mental health issues
  12. Something you planned carefully…….going wrong

These are, I believe the main reasons that cause stress and depression.
There are probably many other valid reasons but these dozen seem like a good set to start to start. So, now we come to the answer and it is an answer so simple to state and yet, so difficult to do.

Just follow these twelve principles :

  1. Don’t care too much about money and material things
  2. Do not give a damn about as many things as possible
  3. Give up if something is too difficult
  4. Always look on the bright side of life (Monty Python’s song from the film “The Life of Brian”
  5. Accept that losing things is life’s way of teaching mindfulness
  6. Understand that the best way to learn anything is to make mistakes
  7. Don’t care what other people think about you…be who you want to be
  8. Never compare yourself to who somebody else is or what they have achieved today…..compare yourself to who YOU were and what YOU achieved yesterday.
  9. Remember that ‘Life’ is the hardest teacher because the Test comes first and the Lesson comes afterwards
  10. Recognise that life is not fair and it is not a rehearsal
  11. Avoid the temptation to be jealous……it will make you miserable
  12. Work on developing your sense of humour…..laugh as often as possible

In short….Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
My final offering has to be that you Never, never, try to argue with a stupid person…it is easier to nail jelly to the ceiling!

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